Tuesday, November 17, 2009

About Me

I am a Chiropractor. I will provide principled Chiropractic. Today I will love everyone, serve everyone, and give the message of chiropractic to everyone. Every man, woman, and child needs Chiropractic. Thereby, allowing everyone in becoming and remaining subluxation free. At no time, will I withhold the truth of chiropractic for fear of ridicule. I am an expert at detecting and correcting subluxations. I will correct subluxations on everyone I care for today. When I deliver a chiropractic adjustment, the power within them, heals them, every time without exception.

Today, I ask for the strength to serve all those who are coming to seek my help. I ask for the love to give fully to each one individually. I ask for the innate wisdom to correct every subluxation I lay my hands on today. I ask for your help so that Today others may share in the benefits and full expression of optimal health that chiropractic provides.

(305) 674-9321

Current Address Cafe of Life
2555 Collins Avenue, Suite 4C
Miami Beach, FL 33140




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