Monday, December 10, 2012

How Can Chiropractic Care Help Cancer Patients?

Cancers are primarily an environmental disease with 90-95% of cases attributed to environmental factors and 5-10% due to genetics. Environmental, as used by cancer researchers, means any cause that is not inherited genetically, not merely pollution. Common environmental factors that contribute to cancer death include tobacco (25-30%), diet and obesity (30-35%), infections (15-20%), radiation (both ionizing and non-ionizing, up to 10%), stress, lack of physical activity, and environmental pollutants.

It is nearly impossible to prove what caused a cancer in any individual, because most cancers have multiple possible causes. For example, if a person who uses tobacco heavily develops lung cancer, then it was probably caused by the tobacco use, but since everyone has a small chance of developing lung cancer as a result of air pollution or radiation, then there is a small chance that the cancer developed because of air pollution or radiation.

Chiropractor, Dr. Eric Lampinstein applies gentle, small adjustments to the spine. Dr. Lampinstein says chiropractic care can be beneficial to many cancer patients’ overall health. He notes, “By adjusting and correcting the neuro-musculoskeletal dysfunctions, we reduce stress to the nervous system, which in turn, helps restore the body’s ability to heal. It’s also a way of helping the body to function better.”

Chiropractic treatment can relieve pain and stiffness in your joints and muscles caused or intensified by surgery, chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Specifically, chiropractic adjustment helps to properly align the spine and other joints and restore nerve function. It can also help alleviate a variety of symptoms, including:
  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Headaches
  • Sciatic nerve pain
  • Painful walking
  • Nausea
  • Neuropathy (pain or numbness in the hands and feet)
While chiropractic care can be helpful to patients undergoing treatment, there are some precautions, which should be taken to ensure safe delivery of care. A chiropractor should always review the patient's most recent X-rays and bone scans to ensure there is no bone metastasis. Also, the patient’s platelet count should be carefully monitored. According to a recent research study, Upper specific Chiropractic adjustments have a profound effect on the physiology, serology and immunology of individuals. The effect of specific upper cervical adjustments on the immune system, CD4 cell counts individuals were measured by CD4/mm3 in the blood. These tests were performed by the patients’ independent medical center where they were under medical supervision for the regular groups were dramatically increased over the counts of the control group. A 48% increase in CD4 cells (Immune cells) was demonstrated over the six-month duration of the study for the Chiropractic adjusted group.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

About Me

I am a Chiropractor. I will provide principled Chiropractic. Today I will love everyone, serve everyone, and give the message of chiropractic to everyone. Every man, woman, and child needs Chiropractic. Thereby, allowing everyone in becoming and remaining subluxation free. At no time, will I withhold the truth of chiropractic for fear of ridicule. I am an expert at detecting and correcting subluxations. I will correct subluxations on everyone I care for today. When I deliver a chiropractic adjustment, the power within them, heals them, every time without exception.

Today, I ask for the strength to serve all those who are coming to seek my help. I ask for the love to give fully to each one individually. I ask for the innate wisdom to correct every subluxation I lay my hands on today. I ask for your help so that Today others may share in the benefits and full expression of optimal health that chiropractic provides.

(305) 674-9321

Current Address Cafe of Life
2555 Collins Avenue, Suite 4C
Miami Beach, FL 33140




Cervical Film Analysis

When normal function returns, the neurologic and other components of the Subluxation complex resolve by the normal healing power referred to historically as “innate intelligence”. Once structural abnormalities, pathologies, and positional errors are addressed, chiropractic analysis begins as below. We utilize 8 X 10 films for the stress (flexion, extension and rotation) views.

The A-P View The spine should be straight and all spino-laminar junctions should be midline. There should be no lateral tilt to the head.

The Open Mouth View

Teeth must not overlay the occipital condyles for the “classic” upper cervical Palmer analysis of C1 and C2 for laterality. You will note that the posterior arch of C1 overlies the lateral masses (LM) of C1. A triangular portion of each LM will be observed below the posterior arch. Increased size of one of these triangles would suggest posterior rotation of Atlas in that side.

Neutral Lateral Film Analysis

The normal cervical lordosis (from C1 to T2) should have a 17-24-cm. radius, based on patient height. The lordotic cervical & lumbar spines are the basis of the spine’s ability to resist axial pressures. Thus, a reduced cervical curve can result in a 50% reduction in the strength of the spine!

Flexion Film Analysis

When the spine flexes, it should fully reverse the curve. Three things should also happen in flexion. The zygapophyses should slide upwards and forwards. For this reason, the IVF’s should open fully. And lastly, the spinous processes should “fan out” or separate. Occiput should notate forwards, and the C1 posterior arch will tend to approximate the back of occiput.

A segment, which has lost the ability to flex, would be labeled a “flexion lock”. Please note that in flexion (as in the neutral view), George’s posterior bodyline should still be a curved line with all segments on one line. If you require more than one line to connect all the segments, the subluxated segment will reside in the portion of the spine, which is straightened. In flexion lock, often the segment just below the intersection of the 2 straight George’s lines is the subluxated segment. The most obvious indicator would be that segment which fails to flex and thus, increase the size of its IVF.

Extension Film Analysis

As with flexion, 3 things occur. The facets should move backwards and down, the IVF’s close down, and all the spinous processes should approximate.Again, all segments should remain on one curved line. A segment, which will not extend is described as being “locked in extension”.

Rotational Film Analysis
When the head rotates or laterally bends, lateral bending and rotation must occur simultaneously. This is referred to as “coupled motion” and is well described in White & Punjabi’s “Clinical Biomechanics of the Spine”. In the cervical spine, the spinous processes must move opposite to the motion of the face. If you look to the right, the spinous processes must move to the left.


Chiropractic is an art, science, and philosophy, which utilize the inherent recuperative powers of the body to heal itself. Chiropractors focus on maintaining the vertebral column free of subluxations. Thereby, allowing proper transmission of mental and neural impulses between the brain and your body. Chiropractic focuses on the detection and correction of vertebral Subluxations.

Can Chiropractic locate and correct the Vertebral Subluxation Complex?

In a word Yes! Chiropractic is the only health care profession whose primary emphasis is on locating, understanding and correcting the Vertebral Subluxation Complex. The spinal chiropractic adjustment, properly administered by a licensed doctor of chiropractic, is generally relied upon as the most effective way of correcting the Vertebral Subluxation Complex.

The following definition of Subluxation is based on the inclusion of the four components originally proposed by Dr. B.J. Palmer (1) and later modified by Donald Epstein, D.C. (2): An alteration of the intervertebral kinetic and static relationships of one or more articulations of the spinal column, or its immediate weight bearing components of the axial skeleton, to a degree less than a luxation; accompanied by an alteration of neural function sufficient to interfere with the transmission, to various tissue cells, of organizing information, referred as the “mental impulse”. As well as a change in the morphology, tension, and freedom of movement of the tissue occupying the neural canal and/or intervertebral foramina. In the course of the glaringly evident detrimental effects of vertebral subluxations, proper location of the Subluxation complex is of the utmost importance.

Nerves send signals from the brain to all parts of the body, to every organ and every tissue. The complex nervous system consists of two major, distinct components: a motor division and a sensory division. The motor division is responsible for relaying commands from the brain that deal with movement of the muscles. The sensory division is responsible for relaying information to the brain from the senses such as sight, sound, smell, touch, hot, cold, etc. Obviously, without proper integrity of the motor and sensory components, your nervous system could not function properly.

Nerve impulses travel to or from the brain through the spinal cord, which is made up of long bundles of nerve tissue and is protected within the bones of the spine. Nerves exit the spine by way of small canals, known as the intervertebral foramina formed between two adjacent vertebrae. Nerves are not the only things passing through the foramina. Blood vessels, meninges (the tissue covering nerve bundles), and vessels carrying lymphatic fluid also pass through.

If the bones in the spine are misaligned (subluxated), pressure can be placed on the nerve and other components in the form of impingement, entrapment, compression, stretching or other irritation. This resultant pressure can alter the nerve impulse supply going to all tissues of the body and can lead to pain and/or disease.

Over the years, the term “pinched nerve”D has developed into a catchall phrase for back pain, but the term is inaccurate in describing the actual mechanism that creates nerve interference. Nerves are not really pinched, since that would imply that the nerve flow is cut off completely. A more accurate description is that the nerves are compressed. Most health care authorities now refer to this compression of nerves as “nerve encroachment” or “neuro, spinal compression”. Doctors of chiropractic use the term “Vertebral Subluxation Complex” as their unique description or label for the condition involving spinal nerve root compression.


Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. We have been brain washed through the use of advertisements, trickery, and deceit to believe that if we merely feel good then we are healthy. The vast majority of us have been led to believe that we are healthy if we aren’t in an emergency room. The key to health is the ability to adapt to stress; and the bodies ability to function at 100 percent capacity. We constantly have internal and external stresses. Regular Chiropractic care allows are body’s to better adapt to our internal and external environment.

You cannot buy it in a bottle, and it isn’t sold in any stores. Health is already inside of you; you are already born with it. The healing ability of your body is far greater than you have been led to believe.

The correct bibliographic citation for the definition is:

Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization as adopted by the International Health Conference, New York, 19-22 June 1946; signed on 22 July 1946 by the representatives of 61 States (Official Records of the World Health Organization, no. 2, p. 100) and entered into force on 7 April 1948.